Straight Talk phone using Verizon towers?
Welcome | Straight Talk
Above you have been talking about what ST sells for phones, and if that matters by area. ST pushes AT&T and Tmobile. If the area you are in has poor service from the former they offer Verizon. Up until now the only way you could get Verizon on Straight Talk was to buy one of their phones. At least that is the way it is where I am, (in the northeast).
The reason this matters to me is my daughter moved to perhaps the only area in this state that is dead to AT&T, and she just lost her phone. She mentioned that it might be nice to have the new phone actually work where she lives and asked why not get a ST Verizon phone instead of an AT&T one. So I explained that instead of the Galaxy S3 you have to get the Walmart Verizon phones. She wasn't loving that idea.
So imagine my surprise when I find the above link, (Welcome | Straight Talk), and it looks like they are letting you bring your own Verizon phone.
I was hoping one of you phone geeks can get to the bottom of this. This option is something that has just been offered in the last month, and is limited to 3G non lte phones? I'm pretty clueless about the tech of all this but I gather that while the top tier phones can't be activated this new policy will enable us to activate Verizon branded phones on ST,
Am I seeing a Droid in my daughters future?