What is the best moveset for Snorlax in Pokemon GO?
Pokemon GO turned seven this month. The celebratory event, titled 7th Anniversary Party, started at 10 am local time on July 6, 2023, and will go on till 8 pm local time on July 12, 2023. The event will give players different bonuses on different days, including extra HP, extra Candy, boosted Stardust, etc. Along with all this, an impressive line of three-star raid bosses is available during this event.
Three-star raids might not be as exciting as Legendary or Mega raids in Pokemon GO, but they offer some excellent options for Great League PvP and other special edition Cups in GO Battle League. The critters offered through three-star raids during the event are all Kanto natives. One of them is Snorlax.
In three-star raids in Pokemon GO, you will find Snorlax with a CP of 16,684. Although it is possible to solo this with a strong team with appropriate counters, having one or two raiders on your side can definitely come in handy.
Once you catch it, you might wonder which among the many moves Snorlax can learn will suit it best. This guide has all the answers in that respect.
What are the best moves for Snorlax in Pokemon GO?
The best moveset for any Pocket Monster consists of a Fast Move that does good damage but, more importantly, generates energy quickly. When it comes to the Charged Move, one that does the most damage compared to the energy it consumes is the most optimal choice.
Here are the moves that Snorlax can learn in Pokemon GO:
Fast Moves
- Lick - 10 DPS - 12 EPS
- Zen Headbutt - 10.9 DPS - 9.1 EPS
- Yawn - 0 DPS - 8.8.EPS
Charged Moves
- Hyper Beam - 47.4 DPS - 26.3 EPS
- Earthquake - 38.9 DPS - 27.8 EPS
- Heavy Slam - 33.3 DPS - 23.8 EPS
- Outrage - 28.2 DPS - 12.8 EPS
- Skull Bash - 50.3 DPS - 32.3 EPS
- Body Slam - 31.6 DPS - 17.4 EPS
- Superpower - 28.3 DPS - 16.7 EPS
The best Fast Move for Snorlax is Lick. The Ghost-type Attack does a decent amount of damage but generates energy insanely fast.
The most optimal Charged Move for Snorlax is Body Slam. It does very high amounts of damage, considering how little its energy cost is. If you can afford a second Charged Move (which is recommended if you want to use Snorlax in Pokemon GO's PvP formats), Superpower is an excellent choice.
However, remember that Superpower lowers the user's attack and defense once used. So make sure to switch out Snorlax after using Superpower once or twice.
Snorlax's stats and elemental typing in Pokemon GO
Snorlax has the following stat distribution in Niantic's mobile game:
- Attack: 190
- Defense: 169
- Stamina: 330
Snorlax is a pure Normal-type Pocket Monster. This means it is only weak to Fighting-type attacks and resists Ghost-type moves. With its massive bulk and respectable Attack, Snorlax can be a menace to deal with in battle.
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